Wednesday, August 27, 2014


“I’m the kind of person who would rather get my hopes up really high and watch them get dashed to pieces than wisely keep my expectations at bay and hope they are exceeded.” Truth.

16.14 Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
I am not a big fan of memoirs, - and if I do give you my reading time you better have done something pretty nasty to the Nazis – in general I’m not big on non-fiction, but this is why I joined a book club - forced expanding of my horizons.

I was excited for this book, it has been a long, hot summer and I was looking forward to some laughs. Unfortunately, I didn’t find them. While I’m truly trying to expand, I am a bit of a stickler about one thing in my reading: It should have purpose. Simply put, I didn’t find any here. There was barely a structure. A few of the essays were cute and might have gone somewhere but most seemed like starts without ends, and honestly seemed a bit like first drafts.

Mindy is most famous for her work on The Office, a show I enjoy, yet all that I learned from her writing of her experience was that she liked her co-writers and stole office supplies from set - these seem like no brainers as opposed to revelations to me. I don't work in show business, nor am I a comedy writer, so maybe the insight was lost on me... And as for the rest, I think I may just be too old.  In high school I worried what people were doing without me as well, but 20 years after the fact, not so much.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Summer Of Re-Reading

It seems that I didn’t accomplish much this summer, and my brain was not in the reading (or any other) game anyway.  I read a few throw away books that I can’t even remember enough to write about, and then I did some rereading.

I read Gone Girl again for book club and have to say it was much more fascinating to watch Nick get set up knowing what was going to come next.  Our club discussion was interesting too, we all knew Amy was crazy but most people kind of felt like he had it coming, having read it twice I didn’t totally agree.  I feel like he was just scared to confront anything (his mom, his dad, Amy), like so many people are nowadays. I’m really looking forward to seeing this movie in October, which is funny because…

I also started to read the Harry Potter books over in preparation for reading them to my son soon, and a bit of the magic was lost in reading the story because I could see the movie so clearly in my mind.  It is one of the only cases I know where the stories and characters are just as widely known by nonreaders as by readers.  Now I have to work on my plan to keep my son from seeing them first…  Good luck, right?

So I feel very out of the reading loop and it makes me sad.  I’m hoping that the cooler weather and the joining of the book club can get me somewhere.

Until then, I present My Summer Reads:

“ ‘A bad beginning may still be a beginning.’”  Truth.

9.14 Dreams of Gods and Monsters
10.14 The Lincoln Lawyer
11.14 The Brass Verdict - Audiobook
12.14 The Leftovers – I read this before the show came out and found the show to be total rubbish.
13.14 Harry Potter 1
14.14 Gone Girl
15.14 Harry Potter 2

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