Saturday, May 18, 2013

Time Suck

So yeah… Still can’t read.  Not even Gabriel Allon can seem to rescue me - so obviously something tragic is going on but I am trying to not give it too much energy and let it resolve itself.

So what, pray tell, have I been doing with my time – I have become a cross-stitching fiend!  Finishing off projects that have been set aside for years, buying more projects than I can ever hope to complete, and even reading(!) a bit about the craft.

“Domestic arts were equated with virtue because they insured the woman remain at home and refrain from book learning.”  Ha Ha – I can’t even…

The Subversive Stitch
I am not going to pretend like I read this whole thing.  It is basically a PhD thesis on embroidery and feminism and if I can’t get my mind to focus on a Gabriel adventure then I sure as hell can’t get into this.  But the bits and pieces I did get through were interesting:  How stitching was considered a hobby of the rich and well mannered, and then became a kind of trade for the lower class; then the push back against the idea that the “craft” is for the idle or pious woman, or as I hear a lot “women’s work.” How the designs have changed from a young woman’s “casket” of work to show off to possible suitors, to the more modern subversive designs that try to break down barriers.  Speaking of…
The project I am working on now is from a book called Twisted Stitches.  I was originally drawn to it because it is written by a man who very unapologetically thanks a family friend for teaching him to stitch but also laments the fact that each finished piece is sent to live out its days in the bottom of a drawer somewhere like many of my past projects.  I love the Sugar Skull pattern but admit that the gun shot wounds, road kill, and voluptuous female vampire patterns lost my attention.  I have to think there is a way to be off the beaten track without beating that track to a pulp with your irreverence.  If only I was creative enough to come up with my own designs.  

Sunday, May 12, 2013


“We can’t be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don’t have something better.”  I really hope this is the Truth.

The past few months have been crazy in my life and thus I have not been reading or blogging.  While planning a ten day vacation to Germany, my husband got a phone call asking him to come back to the job he left almost seven years ago and it threw us for a huge loop.  We took our trip, the following weekend he flew down to interview for the job, last weekend we drive down and put an offer on a house, and this weekend we have started to pack up our house here.  I am pretty devastated to be leaving Oregon and never imagined raising my son in Nevada, but it is happening no matter how much I push back against it.  But honestly, I am scared and sad.  So my mind isn’t in a great space and while I wish I could read I probably should just give up because even the reading I have done hasn’t been done well.

15.13 A Death in Vienna
This audio book was an absolute lifesaver on the 8 hour drive to Nevada one day and the 7 hour drive back two days later.  I have read all of Silva’s books but my husband just won’t try them out (probably because I say he should) but we both enjoyed this and it made the time fly.  Plus, Gabriel is truly the best.

16.13 The End of the Wasp Season
This is the second Mina I have read, both featuring DCI Marrow, and while I like her character and find her intriguing, the format of shifting between the investigators and the criminals just kills the mystery for me.  Since we know everything and everyone as it happens I just can’t get invested in watching Marrow solve it.

17.13 The Twelve
I started this on the plane to Germany and was so excited to really tuck into it on the ten hour flight – but oh my god! You now have your own TV on those flights and it has been years since I watched an adult movie of my own choosing so instead of reading I watched: Anna Karenina, Jack Reecher, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Hitchcock, The Help, Twilight – somethingridiculous, and The Hobbit.  Do I feel guilty?  Kind of, but such is life.  Honestly, I haven’t even finished this one but I do plan to, I just figure I won’t be very qualified to write a review by then so I am including it here.

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