Thursday, August 18, 2011

Special K

"A man and his rooster exit a taxi idling on a crowded street.  The man is short and thin, and the rooster is green, and the rooster belongs to him.  He's wearing a fresh shirt, the blood all washed out, and his polyester slacks shine a little in the afternoon light.  He's too young to be balding, but is.  His mouth is a rotten mess, owing to bad hygiene and a shabu habit.  His name is Ignacio.  He and the rooster are villains."

This is the opening paragraph of Moondogs by Alexander Yates, and this is the shit I live for!  Could it be any better? I read it and couldn't stop smiling.  I had to close the book and take a deep breath to calm down the excitement I have to read the rest.  I quite simply can't wait!


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