“We don’t have access to private jets for authors of tomes
about religious history. If you want to write Fifty Shades of Iconography, we
can talk.” Truth. And yes, this
really is in this book. My gawd.
17.13 Inferno
I have hit the post move funk and all I can come up with to
tell myself is that: It is what it is.
We have left that place and are now in this place, and even though it is
a place we have been before it isn’t the same. Because life rolls along and time passes, people change and
some stay the same. I may need to adjust where I go and what I do but really,
in many ways, it stays the same because it is what it is.
If there is anything that is said over and over about Dan
Brown is that he is what he is, and is said almost like an excuse. His books aren’t great literature but
they are generally great page-turners, so while they are ok for being one thing
they aren’t treated as another by many.
So while Inferno is what I expected to be, I also feel kind of over
it. (Much like Reno; it is much
like I expected it to be but I also already feel kind of over it. And that
PISSES ME OFF!!! Get over it Karen, it is what it is. It isn’t what it was, or what I imagined it to be, or what I
need in every way; it is what it is, and it is my fault for not choosing to
make that positive and fun instead of sad and lonely.) Anyway, back to the book, it felt just
like a rehash of the other Langdon books and even less interesting. Maybe it was because there have been so
many really well done homages to Dante and Inferno. Honestly, what this book did most was make me want to go
back and re-read The Dante Club – now that was fun!
Often in my life I have found myself reading the perfect
book at the perfect time. But this time I didn’t find the perfect book but the perfect
movie. The Most Exotic Marigold
Hotel. It is wonderful, and happy
and sad. And while I am sure it
was marked as overly sentimental by some I was so happy to watch it, and to
learn from it.
“There is no past that we can bring back by longing for it.”
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.
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