Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Love of a Classic

24. The Tiger's Wife
I always loved the idea of having a worn copy of a literary classic with me at all times.  Having it tucked away in my purse even though I know every word by heart, but still needing it near by.  There is something so romantic about it.  If I did carry one with me it would have to be Beowulf.  The first thing I ever taught; the one I always loved to teach.  The one the kids moaned the most about but took with them with the clearest understanding.  The story that is meant to be heard and not read.  He is a true hero who wanted to be remembered for being good.  Believing that the ultimate honor was to be written about.  Maybe it is time to go buy another copy.

The thing I loved most about The Tiger's Wife was the grandfather.  The thing the author surely loves most about her book is the grandfather.  I had a hard time not believing that this was her memoir because she wrote him so vividly.  I can clearly see the worn spots on his shirt pocket left from his copy of The Jungle Book.  He was a wonderful character, and I enjoyed his story.

This was a very well written and mature book, somewhat startling coming from a 25 year old.  It wasn't flawless but it was so very worth the read.  I look forward to her next outing.


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