Tuesday, July 5, 2011

TBR Pile(s)

My TBR piles are infringing on my life!  They make me feel guilty and mock me for wasting time.  They have become a source of stress instead of comfort.  In fact, I feel like I no longer enjoy what I am reading because I feel like I need to just get it over with to get on to the next one.

My main pile resides in the bookshelf directly across from my place on the bed.
The TBR are those laying on their sides, the ones behind have been read (mostly!).  The shelves are BOWING!  BOWING PEOPLE!

My more immediate TBR pile resides next to the bed.  It has limited space which makes me feel like it is more under control.  See it even has space for a new addition! 
My final TBR pile is a new addition.  It consists of library books.  The library is truly a magical place, I mean books for free!  However they come with an expiration date which makes me antsy.  These are always at the top of the list because they have to go back, so they are the most stressful pile, when really they should be the most celebrated and enjoyed.
I would need several lifetimes to get through all of these books (and they don't even include all the other unread treats residing on the many bookshelves in the house, or the many books I have on my Kindle and iPad!) and I wouldn't have it any other way, but I wish I wasn't letting it stress me out!

Crap, I just remembered the stack of New Yorkers...


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