Friday, May 6, 2011

Great Expectations

I picked up this book a few weeks ago based on a review I read, but more so because of the fact that it has a great title and an amazing cover!
Amazing right! And I defy anyone to read the first three pages and, like a Lays potato chip, not proceed to devour more.

I have been pouring over this book for the past few days and am about half way through but I have to admit that while it is wonderfully readable it is staggeringly sad.  Not because any cliche sad thing has happened but because these kids seem so messed up, and it makes me worried about the kids who are growing up in this new world of technology, "connectedness", and over medicated supposed issues.  This is the second book I have read that includes kids on the internet pretending to be people who they are not. Why is this something that has never crossed my mind?  It seems so mean to me.  At least face to face you may pretend to be better, happier, or more qualified than you are.  You can even flat out lie about every detail of your life, but you are still you. On the internet you can be anyone, and our kids know this and are doing it while we have them safely tucked away in bedrooms so that they don't get kidnapped by those crazy people outside, and take their medications so that we can explain away any misbehavior we as parents don't want to take responsibility for.  It is alarming really.


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