So it is safe to say I was over the moon about the most recent royal wedding. I loved waking up at 2:30 in the morning, watching the events unfold on TV while sipping my PG Tips tea. I know a lot of people thought they would just catch the highlights later, but not me. I wanted to see it first hand. I loved the anticipation of who would be stepping out of the next car, what her dress would look like, how William would react. I loved how confident and happy they both looked. I am unashamed to say that I cried and clapped and loved every ounce of pomp and circumstance that they dished out. I giggled over Harry and tried to read lips. And I cheered when they rode that Aston Martin out of the palace gates!
Anyway, this is a blog about books not weddings, so let's get back to it.
After all of the wedding excitement I was having a hard time getting back to reading so I finally picked up a book that my sister-in-law recommend to me when I was in the midst of my I'm-pregnant-and-can't-read stage. I knew she had said it was hard for her to put down and I knew it was set in the royal courts of England and France, so it sounded perfect.
And the truth is I have barely come up for breath since starting it. It is truly a page turner and Barbra is so far a really great character. It is quite the love story so far, and I bit more of a bodice ripper than I was expecting. In fact, it reminds me a bit of this picture...
Awful, awful, I know, but sometimes it is funny to see the ways in which no matter how will laid your plans are, there is always a hitch! Poor girl...
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