For the past week I have been in a funk of sorts. A technological funk. A time wasting funk. A worthless feeling funk. Instead of striving to be something I feel like I have decided to give in and be nothing. So I sit and surf gossip sites, going back again and again to see what is happening in other people’s lives instead of being present in mine. And the worst part is, I stopped reading and that makes me feel dumb.
While surfing, I stopped by a favorite web site of mine, Out of Print, and found that they were going to be trying out an online book club reading of Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 and they had a little video of him talking about his life.
He is passionate and happy and excited. All the things I am not; but I watched, and I smiled, and I listened:
"Things that you love should be things that you do, and things that you do should be things that you love."
"Libraries are people; thousands of people."
"But if you don't know how to read, you don't know how to decide."
And now it is up to me. I can decide to be nothing, or I can decide to continue to be imperfect. So I will pick up my book and write about it because I love it and not worry about the fact that the writing isn't prefect because how can it improve if I don't keep trying?
**The part with the cat is the capper!
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