Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Another Review

13. The Devlin Diary
I said when I started this blog that it would be about the reading of the books and not just reviews, but after the experience of reading a book on my iPad I didn't want to take my hands off the pages of this book long enough to type on here.  I just needed some unplugged time.  Truth is that I need much more of it!

This wasn't even a great book but it was just what I needed.  A simple plot with back and forth plot structure that progressed along nicely and drew me in.  Plus it was a hardback from the library and are there many other things as wonderful? Those soft pages and the broken in spine.  The way it lays open on your lap with no effort.  The way it doesn't cost anything so you don't have to feel guilty when you are done.

But now I am back to the iPad and Middlemarch - two things that I do not find comforting.  Both my mother and I have strayed from Middlemarch but we have also both agreed to come back to it and give it our full attention until we are done.  the fact is that we both like it but I think it is a bit too close to how real life works and so as far as an escape it falls short.  But we are going to do it, and we are going to do it together which leads to a certain excitement that I hope will help me get through.


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