My mom said this to me the other day on the phone and it made me laugh because I immediately knew exactly what she meant. We grow up thinking that our grown up selves are going to be incredible: absolute freedom, dream jobs, perfect lives; but the truth is that often it is all just lifey: errands to run, chores to do, mundane TV and movies to entertain. We witness mind blowingly awful events that can't even be processed because they hurt too much to think about. Days pass, years pass; you aren't who you though you would be. Almost no one is who they want to be. But we are all here and in most cases we are trying our best to be good, to be better. Some days are good and some are bad, but nothing is ever truly that bad thankfully. So we press on.
I am reading a wonderfully fun book called The Sherlockian, and much of it is about Arthur Conan Doyle and how he came to despise writing about Sherlock Holmes and how badly people reacted when he killed him off. Doyle comes to realize that Sherlock was their escape from their lifeyness. And right now this book is mine.
"Do you think people are happy when they finally get the things they've been after?" - The Sherlockian. Truth.
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