This quote kept playing through my mind as I read #15 Middlemarch.
Middlemarch was originally published as a serial and thus suffers from being far too long. My mom and I decided to read it together since we could both get it free on our Kindles (I ended up reading on the iPad) and we started to read on January 4th. I have read 13 other books during the course of reading this; one because I needed a break but also because I needed to slow down since my mom has a job and a life! So my reading suffered because of that but in the end I really enjoyed the book. The last third is quite good with a lot of revelations and interesting plot twists. The characters are not terribly likable but they are absolutely memorable and I was very sad to see them go.
**Side note - Shakespeare in Love is one of my favorite movies with many wonderful, witty, and brilliant lines, including the most romantic I have ever heard: "Write me well." I think of this often as well.
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